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Re: questioning panic???! - December 19th 2024, 03:56 AM

Originally Posted by TherianLOVER View Post

I appreciate the advice and some experience from you. I do want to add, I've been thinking I was trans for about two years now, and my friend at lunch said "Cis people don't want their titties cut off, Cis people don't do the things you do to hide the "feminine" parts of you" which made me kinda realize more of a "oh shit.." moment.
I don't know if your friend's words were spoken with malice or concern, so I'd be mindful of that too. As Dez and Moxie said, discovering yourself can be a journey! It could take years, and you've said its been two years; but learning more about yourself as you go through adolescence, what you like, how you feel in your body, what clothes or makeup gives you comfort, and so on is all a part of that! I know you want to conform to your parents beliefs that girls are only ever girls and boys are only ever boys; but you are your own individual and you have every right to question. When the time comes, if it ever does, where you feel like you've made the decision then that'll be the moment when you consider telling your parents. It's not something you have to worry about now, but keep it in the back of your mind as you go through this journey: people aren't mind readers. They don't know what you're going through unless you want to tell them. If you don't want to tell your parents, and they address you by the wrong name or gender, remember that you're keeping them out of this until you feel certain and comfortable with yourself.

Feel free to reach out again if needed and please take care of yourself.
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