Thread: Triggering: Middle School Bullying.
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Unhappy Middle School Bullying. - December 7th 2024, 05:34 PM

This thread has been labeled as triggering by the original poster or by a Moderator. Please take this into consideration before continuing to read.

TW://Bullying, SH, Suicide Attempt, inpatient/outpatient stays, body insecurities, ED

can somebody tell me why every corner I turn there is SOMEONE shit talking me?
I'm in 7th grade, and very different from people.
I'm LGBTQIA+, Neurodivergent, A Therian, Feminist, and Eco-Activist.
People in my school are..."rich snobs" as people would say. poor.
People at my school are constantly bullying me cause of my financial class and my identity.
People at my school can by things from sephora, gucci, etc. and think everyone else can.
I've never been that way.
I can't.
And they make me feel worthless and insecure about it.
Because of this, my mental health isn't the best.
People constantly tell me I'm "smelly" or "overweight".
This has happened all my life...
I'm starting to wonder am I the problem?
Did I set myself up for this?
Am I meant for this?
What is wrong with me?
I wonder...
They caused me to SH, attempt suicide, become insecure of my body, starve myself, etc.
I literally had to go inpatient/outpatient because of this.
I'm soon going to another outpatient program.
I hate it.
But I wonder...
Is this...

(Also sorry about my setup, I'm a poet/writer so I constantly write in this weird format.)
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