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WhisperingSilence Offline
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I can't get enough
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Re: Lack of motivation - November 22nd 2024, 03:29 AM

Hi, I struggle often with a lack of motivation, one of things that I find helps me is having a routine, I also use an app which helps , its called finch and its an app that gives you a virtual pet/bird and you set yourself small manageable goals, so for me its things like 'wash the dishes' 'have a shower' 'clean my teeth' 'put at least 4 items away' small manageable goals. and as you complete the goals the little virtual pet grows and gets to go on adventures etc.

I find having routine really helps too, so for me this would be sporting activities, volunteering, attending support groups etc.
Also on the days I really struggle for motivation and on the days where even taking a shower feels like climbing a massive mountain , I remind myself that I will feel better after I've had a shower etc, sometimes I leave myself post it notes around my flat with things on it like 'clean teeth' 'take bins out'.

Baby steps, maybe try and do one thing each day even if it's something like getting out and going for a walk around a park or to the shops. Or to start with you could even just simply get outside and walk around the block or go outside in your garden if you have one and listen to the sounds around you - what can you hear - birds, planes, people, traffic, children laughing, the breeze rustling the trees as it blows through them, you could even see how the air feels on your skin - does it feel cold, warm, cool, hot.. then you could note what you can smell, grass. the fresh air.

'There will be bad days, there will be good days, there will be really bad days, and really good days, and days that are not bad or good but just simply suck, but either way you got through it and you are here today and that is all that really matters''
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