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Re: Doctors said i will need a penis reduction - July 25th 2024, 08:49 PM

Originally Posted by Ennui. View Post
Surgery is definitely a big deal and not something that you want to rush into. I'm waiting for insurance approval on an elective hysterectomy but even that is something that shouldn't be taken lightly.

Definitely talk to your mom and doctor about the surgery to come up with a good game plan.

One thing to consider is your quality of life. Is your quality of life being reduced by your current issue? How much is your penis size impacting your life right now? If you're okay with how things are it might be fine to give it a little more time to see what happens. But if it's impacting your life too much you may want to consider getting it sooner. Also consider asking your doctor questions about what recovery from the surgery looks like. Will you have any restrictions while you recover such as lifting, exercise, or diet? When can you go back to school? If you were to get it done today, about how long will it be until you need to repeat the procedure?
They say i cant have a reduction yet. Which is fine, im okay with my size now. I have to wait until im 12 or even 13 maybe. It will turn out when we get there. And of course my mom and i will make the decision together.

They say i have to have like 2 or 3 or maybe even 5 reductions during my puberty. if i want of course but they say i will definetly want them by then because it will get so big.
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