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Re: I have hyperspermia - July 4th 2024, 08:40 PM

Originally Posted by Ennui. View Post
I'd see what your doctor says before jumping to conclusions about medications. There could be different types out there. I know that this is is a bit different but I've been on hormonal birth control since I was pretty young, and my mom was the one who made me go on it. Now I've been on birth control for at least fourteen years without a break. I'd ask the doctor questions about any medications you go on such as what the likelihood of having any sort of side effects are and how this will impact your body's overall growth such as height and weight. Ask the doctor how long you would have to be on this medication and if it is long-term, ask what the consequences of using the medication long-term can be. Some medications can cause different things if they are used long-term, while other medications are okay for long-term use without much of an added risk. If you are on other medications. ask the doctor or your pharmacist if there are any drug interactions you should know about.
Mmostly my mom deals with these things, but of course she tells me everything and that what is happening and why. Also, we of course ask everything we can from the doctors. The problem here is that it seems like they dont know many things yet. They say after the tests, they will know much more
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