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Re: It's getting bad again - May 1st 2024, 11:35 PM

Hey, thanks for reaching out! I want to say I can totally, 100% relate to how you are feeling in the sense of wanting to go back to how things used to be. I've been struggling with my parents' apathy for a few years now, and they're always like "well, if you'd just..." But no, we don't want 'to just' by ourselves. My point is, I can relate to how you're feeling, with both your parents and the state of the world today.

We can't go back in time and this is something I'm struggling to accept myself. What I am trying to do, when I remember to because depression can make us forgetful!, is to reach out to those that are meaningful to me. It's hard when others lead such busy lives, but sending a text message or a message on Facebook — or whatever your preferred platform is — and just quickly saying something like hey, what's your plans for next weekend? or Been a while since we caught up, let's go for coffee soon! to get the ball rolling.

I would suggest making a note on your phone calendar app, set reminders to do even the most basic of things. Eat, brush your teeth, take your medicine/vitamins, etc etc. I've been advised to create to-do lists of what I want to do for the day or for the week but they have never worked for me so I would not advise that for anyone else. However, if you feel it might work and want to give it a try, then go for it!

Wishing you the best of luck. Feel free to reach out again.
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