Why do American liberals push low quality candidates? -
April 11th 2024, 09:25 PM
Serious question. I hate Republican Desantis in Florida. Why do we have him? Because in 2018, democrats pushed a very low quality candidate named Andrew Gillum. Then in 2022, they pushed Charlie Crist who can't even decide what party he is of (he literally used to be our Republican governor! .....now they think he is good to run again as Democrat? Come on!). To defeat Desantis in Florida in 2022, democrats would need a strong candidate who would lay out a framework of solving Florida's housing and insurance crises. It probably would have worked. It would take someone more dedicated than Desantis to steer native Floridians and even create a debate. But a real debate there was not. The election happened and I barely heard Charlie's weak campaign.It is as if he didn't even try and was just a fill in so they can have "somebody"/fill the void (aka give the election away). Of course Desantis won as a result. Democrats had the best chance in 2018....Rick Scott was unpopular.....but they wanted to run Gillum cause he is a racial minority. Turn's out, people don't vote for minorities just because they think minorities should be given special treatment.... they are treated equally. Now he have Desantis, who made it a point to go stronger on issues in 2018 and therefore bringing out more people to vote for him. Trump won 2016 because Hilary was unpopular, even among democrats. Problems were obvious as early as her first campaign years earlier. When I talked to democrats in 2014, few of them liked her. Most hated her. Biden? Weak as hell on issues and changes his stance (such as on the vaccine mandates that he initially thought weren't going to happen, then later decided were necessary but later proven to not be needed as the vaccine did not turn out to be what it was originally advertised as (and came with side effects)). "Yes, our candidate sucks.... but you are a sexist racist asshole if you vote for...." doesn't go very far with a lot of people. If e democrat said "we are going to federally declassify weed , work hard on reducing inflation, at least attempt to improve economic conditions for the younger generations, and either implement universal healthcare or force every state to expand medicaid" then I would absolutely support them.
Each time a bad Republican assumes office, it seems that it was because a weak ass candidate ran against them. The other party shit the bed and didn't come up with an alternative that was viable. Obama won because he was a very strong candidate and McCain was relatively weak. We have the ACA as a result of his strength. Biden has not given us anything nor has he progressed things much with his policies. Care hasn't become more affordable (even after a pandemic) and things seem to suck worse than in 2020 when Trump was in office. He has sat and watched as corporations price gouge and contribute to most of inflation, resulting in the federal reserve implementing policies that are bad for America's workers. He also told us that we need to sacrifice even more for Ukraine when our country is not doing the best and just coming out of pandemic. I don't consider Biden a "get shit done" democrat. He is a "do nothing.... and don't say much on TV" democrat.
Being president or governor is the not the pinnacle of human achievement, and I feel like the obsession with "minority candidates" is doing them a massive disservice. Just go for whoever is the most qualified. People don't vote for someone just because they would be the "first female" or whatever in office. They vote over how recent events have affected them emotionally, few care about "breaking the glass ceiling" if they don't like the person that would be doing it. We've all dreamed about being president when we were 5 years old. No need to make it poetic. It certainly doesn't make the candidate appear more human or enticing.
I'm voting for Trump over Biden because Biden won't get ANYTHING that is of consequence to me done.
Literally ever since Hilary, dems have been saying "well, they aren't Trump" as a central part of their campaign. If dems truly think Trump is so bad and they can fix it, they need a higher standard than simply not being the same person as him.
Last edited by Proud90sKid; April 11th 2024 at 10:22 PM.