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Re: How do I deal with thoughts that my friends hate me? - March 29th 2024, 01:40 AM

Hi there, thanks for reaching out! I'm sorry you've been having anxious thoughts, thoughts that your friends think you are annoying. I think that happens to a lot of us, especially when we have that one person we lean on the most. I would just observe them, their body language, their facial expression, their tone. I would imagine they have a good sense of establishing boundaries that they'd let you know when they need space. It doesn't seem like they have done that thus far, so I don't think you're annoying them at all!

Remember, our anxious brains love to gaslight us. It wants us to believe things that are not true. Finding safe and effective coping methods would really help with that. Better understanding the anxious brain would help as well, and I suggest seeking out a therapist if you haven't done so already. They'd be much more qualified to help you build that toolbox to combat anxiety.

Wishing you the best of luck!
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