Thread: Bucket list.
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Re: Bucket list. - February 11th 2024, 11:13 PM

Originally Posted by Rob View Post
A few years ago I went to a wedding where they had a physical bucket and asked people to write things for them to do during their married life and put them in it, which I thought was a great idea, so I bought a small bucket and made my own list on separate cards. I try to choose at least 3 things a year and tick them off, sometimes I add things I've already done which I'm pleased with too. I have activities I want to try like scuba diving, learning another language and places I want to visit in it. Some of them are really simple things that I've just never gotten around to doing. It's been really nice way to make sure every year I'm pushing myself to do new things but also to look back on things I've already done!
So you have a literal bucket list, Rob? That is awesome!

My general bucket list is pretty general and standard for anyone throughout the course of their lifetime. I'd like to get a steady job that is stable, one that I am happy at and lasts for a long time; I'd like to be able to save enough money from this job to buy a place of my own; I'd like to eventually find someone that is compatible with me and respects my limitations but is open for adventures.
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