Thread: Triggering (Substances): I need someone to tell me the risks of Vodka.
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I need someone to tell me the risks of Vodka. - February 7th 2024, 02:41 AM

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[FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""]I am a 15 year old boy, and for years my grandpa has snuck me beer at my birthdays which has fueled an alcohol addiction. It physically hurts me to not drink alcohol. I have tried; Beer, Moscato, White Wine, and once I tried Rum. Recent I developed severe depression after a lose of a pet cat I thought of as a brother and this has fueled my addiction pain. The reason I ask about Vodka is I know it is extreme, I know that especially at a young age like I am it can be deadly if you don't know how much to drink or within what time span to drink it. However all that i have around right now that would be easy to steal is Vodka, I am truly desperate. Please tell me the risks involved with Vodka at such a young age.[/size][/color][/font]