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Re: Back here again (getting it off my chest) - February 5th 2024, 09:35 PM

Welcome back, I'm glad you were able to write about this. It sounds like there are a mixture of things stressing you out right now, and that can take a lot out of a person! First of all, there is absolutely no age limit as to when you can feel like shit. Robin Williams was in his 50s when he passed away, that mentality is why he never spoke to anyone before he took his life. He thought he was too old for help, or people would judge.

My point is, it is always ok to talk to someone about how you're feeling. I suggest searching for a therapist so you can speak to someone about how you're feeling, how your thought process has been, stresses from work and other day-to-day issues, and find out how you can manage your ADHD. A counselor is not there to judge you or criticize you; if they do then it's not you, it's them that need to re-evaluate their career choices.

Wishing you the best of luck, feel free to reach out whenever you need to!