Thread: Triggering: Reoccurring anxiety
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Re: Reoccurring anxiety - January 28th 2024, 08:19 AM

Originally Posted by Ennui. View Post
I'm so sorry to hear this!

For driving, I don't drive, but maybe you can leave your house a little earlier to sit in your car and prepare yourself for making the drive. Remind yourself that you are a good driver and follow the rules of the road so it isn't likely that you will cause an accident. Also remind yourself that you've been driving for a long time now and have a lot of experience under your belt, which makes it less likely that you will get into an accident. Maybe while you are driving you can play some calming music or a podcast while you are driving to help relax you a little bit more.

Maybe try and make some time every day, even if it's just fifteen minutes, to reward yourself for getting through a long work day, or a long day in general. You don't have to do anything major. It can even be drinking your favorite beverage or reading a chapter in a good book. It's important to take at least a few minutes out of our day just to do something for ourselves.

When I get too anxious or lost in my thoughts, I put an ice pack on my forehead or the back of my neck to give myself a little bit of a "reset." The cold distracts me and also helps just to lower the heart rate and get back to a baseline.

Making time to see a doctor is definitely difficult, but I think it would be really worth it for you to put in for some time off of work to get it done sooner rather than later. The more you put it off, the less likely you are going to do it and the more your anxiety will continue to spike. It's a huge accomplishment to reach out for help.

I hope things start looking up for you soon!
Hi Dez,

Thank you for that. I am feeling a little more positive as I think about the future and I hope this continues.

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