Thread: Giving up
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Re: Giving up - December 22nd 2023, 05:50 PM

Hi there, thank you so much for reaching out! I'm so sorry for all the losses you've been experiencing. Death can be difficult for anyone to deal with, but it's worse for someone already struggling with depression. Losing someone we're close to can leave a big hole in our life, and we feel like that hole will never be filled again. It won't ever be the same again, right? But I think it's so important to hold on to those memories, remember the good times you had together, all the laughter and lessons learnt. If you have any pictures, make a digital or physical photo album. You can turn it into a scrapbook, with little notes, dates, or any other memento that reminds you of those people.

What you are feeling now is temporary. Remember, it won't be this way forever, and this is why it's so important to find the things that are worth living for. What is it that you are passionate about? Do you have any pets? Do you play sports? Do you have a special someone? These are just a few of the example questions you need to ask yourself! I recommend taking fifteen or twenty minutes of your day and write freely. Put in words what's on your mind, and don't worry about making any errors.

I guarantee after you finish it, there'll be at least one thing on there that is a reason to live.