Thread: Holidays
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Re: Holidays - December 22nd 2023, 05:45 PM

Hi there, I apologize for the late response. Thank you so much for reaching out, and I hope things have improved for you. The holidays can certainly be a challenging time of year for a lot of people, and the amount of "cheer" can get overwhelming. It's easy to fall into a funk, and having it get dark out early and the temperatures drop isn't any help.

I would suggest finding things that keep you entertained. Find a good book to read online, play a new video game, watch a new tv series or movie, ask your friends if they want to hang out or have a hang-out session over Skpye or whatever platform is used these days. If looking at Christmas lights and getting out decorations aren't your thing, then think about the new year coming up.

What do you want 2024 to be about? What was it about 2023 that you didn't like, wish had been different, and could be different in 2024? Take the time during a quiet moment, away from the family festivities, and write for fifteen or twenty minutes. Just sit down, write away, and don't worry about making any errors. Let those words come naturally, let all your feelings out.

Also, I would suggest checking out those helpline number, either call them or text them if you need to. They're anonymous, and you can share as little or as much as you want to. Additionally, TeenHelp is offering support on their Discord server through the next week for those who might be struggling during the holidays, so definitely pop in if you need to.

Wishing you the best of luck, please reach out again if needed.