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Name: Sam
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Re: I {15f} am dating a 25m. I don't know what to do. - August 15th 2023, 06:31 PM


I think Dez did a great job responding to your initial post and I don't have much to add there, so I'm going to focus on your response.

I can definitely understand why you might be concerned about blocking him, especially as he's stated that he has saved some of the photos you've sent. It's absolutely valid to have concerns about him leaking or distributing the photos, especially if they show your face. That being said, I'd encourage you to do some research on revenge porn laws in your state or country. In a nutshell, revenge porn is the distribution of an NSFW photo/video/audio without the consent of the individual in the photo or recording. Depending on the laws where you live, it's entirely possible that it would be a criminal offense for him to leak the photos in any capacity. Because you're a minor, the fact that he has NSFW photos of you is also a criminal offense, simply due to the fact that it counts as child pornography. If he does choose to leak the photos after you block him, there are actions that you can take.

I do want to re-iterate the fact that it isn't your fault. Maybe you didn't make the best choices, but he is still an adult and you are still a minor. At the end of the day, he should know better than to ask for NSFW photos of a minor and he should have been the one to put a stop to it immediately if he only found out you were a minor after some photos were sent. I truly hope this is a learning experience for you and that it helps you make better choices in the future but he is truly the one at fault here.

wanderlust consumed her;
foreign hearts & exotic minds compelled her.
she had a gypsy soul
and a vibrant heart for the unknown.
-d. marie