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Re: (Regret) I did animal cruelty I think. - August 5th 2023, 10:55 PM


It sounds like a lot happened.

What happened was definitely unfortunate and it is sad to hear that the rabbit suffered like this. I can't say that what you did was okay because it was cruel, but I can tell you are beating yourself up over this and have regret already. I know you wouldn't do it again but if you ever do find a rabbit or other animal that is suffering, you might be able to call a wildlife rehabber or animal control and they can come out and take the rabbit, either to help it if possible or humanely euthanize it if its suffering is too great.

I definitely would use this as a lesson learned. This wasn't recent so nobody is going to punish you now, so just take it as a learning experience. You now know that every life is valuable, even the lives of small animals like rabbits. You witnessed suffering and now know that this isn't something you'd want to inflict upon an animal ever again. It's something that will stick with you, but you don't have to punish yourself anymore for it.

If you think you're still easily influenced by video games I'd try to hold off on playing games that have violence such as this, just so you don't have the temptation to act on the things you saw on the game. You're young and I know those games can sometimes be a bad influence, especially if you want to impress others. But you could also have learned the lesson that not everything you see on a video game has to be imitated.

Try to find an outlet for how you're feeling. For example, you can write, do art, or play music that gets out some of the emotions you feel towards the rabbit. The outlet doesn't have to depict the rabbit violently. Instead you may be able to create something that honors the rabbit's life or honors animals in general.

I hope this helps!

Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
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