Am I pregnant? -
July 12th 2023, 01:43 PM
Forgive me if I sound like a total idiot. I just have horrible anxiety and this has been eating away at me. I have my first boyfriend and things are getting serious and we fooled around in his car on Sunday night. We gave each other hand jobs and he went down on me. I started what appears to be my period yesterday (Tuesday) but I am still terrified there is a chance his pre ejaculate got on me and I could get pregnant. Neither of us actually finished because we had to go home, so he didn’t actually ejaculate, but I am still nervous that sperm from his pre ejaculate got on the same hand that touched me. I am having a little less bleeding than normal for my period that is normally pretty heavy, but no cramps which is not normal for me at all. Could something be going on or do I have my period? Do I need to take an emergency contraceptive? As I write this I feel like I sound like an idiot but I’m anxious out of my mind.
Thank you