Did you miss me?
Outside, huh? **********
Name: Hollie
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/They
Location: London
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Join Date: January 19th 2011
Re: Those nights -
June 1st 2023, 08:52 PM
What you're describing sounds very familiar and you're not alone in feeling this way. At night, your brain gets a chance to decompress and process the day. It's not busy engaging with tasks, so it gets to think. I find when I'm in bed, I think about negative things too, because I'm not being distracted from it.
It's understandable that sometimes things feel like too much. The world we live in is a lot and our brains do get overwhelmed by it. Some brains more than others. It's important to recognise this as there may be ways to get through those negative spaces. For example, journalling can be a good way of getting thoughts out of your head and tucking them away somewhere else. It's a good way of expressing emotions without judgement so they're not clogging up your mind at night. You could also try having soothing music on when you're trying to sleep. This way it could relax you, and also distract you at the same time.
There are millions and millions of reasons for you to be alive. Some small and others huge. But I know sometimes it's not easy to see them. Perhaps when you are going about your day, you could note these reasons on some paper, or your phone, and store them for when you need a reminder. Something small like a pretty tree you saw, or a dog who wagged it's tail at you are good examples. They seem insignificant, but if you have a list of lots of them, it might just get you through any moments where you're struggling to remember any positive things about life at all.
It's important to know that you never need to face these things alone. It's amazing that you reached out here (and there's always room for you to ask for help without judgement!), but please know that there are people who can help if you need help in the moment too. Here is a list of hotlines for various countries. If you ever need to use them, they're a great tool and a really great way to get help.
I hope this helps a bit. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
"Why want another universe if this one has dogs?"
Matt Haig - The Midnight Library