Thread: Female Advice Preferred: I need to know
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Re: I need to know - May 22nd 2023, 01:22 AM


I think that the best time to talk to her is before a class starts or after it ends when you're both walking to your next class. That way you're not talking to her IN class and distracting from each other's learning, but you'll still have time to talk to her. I say go ahead and approach her. There doesn't have to be a specific day, but if she seems like she is in a good mood that may help you out.

As long as you're polite, I don't think you'll upset or offend her. You can remind her of your name if you don't think she knows it (but since you've known her since kindergarten I hope that she would!). You can start off with something basic like asking her how a certain class is going or asking her how softball and volleyball are going. Or, you can talk to her about something you both have in common. For example, if there's a band you know that you both like, you can bring that up in a conversation. After you talk to her about the basics for a period of time you can start getting more in depth and try to get to know her more.

The best case scenario is that she enjoys these conversations and continues them with you. If she tells you that she doesn't want to continue to have these conversations, respect that, but I don't see any reason why you shouldn't try to talk with her and see where things go.

I wish you the best of luck!

Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive