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shybookworm Offline
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Name: shybookworm
Gender: Non-Binary
Pronouns: He/him
Location: United States

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Join Date: February 6th 2023

February 7th 2023, 12:15 AM

I am a female. I've been questioning about my sexuality and gender for a long time now.

I'm not sure if I'm bisexual or a lesbian. I've always had crushes on girls. I never had a crush on a guy. They are gross to me.

I've always been tomboyish. I wear jeans and a t-shirt and sneakers. I have always had long hair. But I've never really liked it. I don't know why. I never wear makeup.

I feel really uncomfortable with my breasts..I feel extremely anxious and bad about my body every day. I wish my breasts were smaller. I wish I was flat chested.

Am I transgender or nonbinary?
Am I bisexual or a lesbian?
Am I just straight and confused?
Is it just normal for a girl to feel bad about their body like this?

Please give advice. I feel depressed.

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Originally Posted by shybookworm View Post
I am a female. I've been questioning about my sexuality and gender for a long time now.

I'm not sure if I'm bisexual or a lesbian. I've always had crushes on girls. I never had a crush on a guy. They are gross to me.

I've always been tomboyish. I wear jeans and a t-shirt and sneakers. I have always had long hair. But I've never really liked it. I don't know why. I never wear makeup.

I feel really uncomfortable with my breasts..I feel extremely anxious and bad about my body every day. I wish my breasts were smaller. I wish I was flat chested.

Am I transgender or nonbinary?
Am I bisexual or a lesbian?
Am I just straight and confused?
Is it just normal for a girl to feel bad about their body like this?

Please give advice. I feel depressed.

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Also I hate having a period. I feel more depressed when I'm on my period.

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Originally Posted by shybookworm View Post
Also I hate having a period. I feel more depressed when I'm on my period.

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Is it normal to be depressed during your period?

Please help.

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Last edited by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯; February 7th 2023 at 01:29 AM. Reason: Merging consecutive posts :)