Doing fine by design.
Jeez, get a life! ***********
Name: Charlie
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Re: Elon Musk buying Twitter -
December 9th 2022, 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by Slytherin21
I agree with you on this. I should be able to say anything i want and if people get their feeling hurt just shows they werent mature enough for the interenet
Arguably a far bigger component of maturity is the ability to consider how your words or actions will affect other people, and to prioritise the safety of others over your own convenience. Feeling entitled to say anything you like and take no responsibility for any harm done by your words is a good way to foster hostility and create unsafe environments. Having "hurt feelings" in this context isn't about people not being able to take a joke or looking for excuses to be offended; it's about the fact that the more hate speech is allowed to flourish, the less safe vulnerable people will be. Online words have offline consequences, and unchallenged bigotry and aggression can lead to real, measurable harm. If that isn't cause for feeling hurt, I don't know what is.
Regardless, to the original point of the thread: from what I've seen, having been a long-term Twitter user, this has been one of its most turbulent times and that's due almost entirely due to the new ownership. Features are getting implemented and abandoned, the workforce is being whittled down to a level that's barely functional, and it's clear that Elon Musk doesn't actually understand how the site works or how best to run it. Like MWF pointed out, advertisers and users are jumping ship while companies are losing significant amounts of money, so even if you set the ethics issue aside it's still been a failure of business decision-making.
"Love means never having to say you're a werewolf."
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