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Name: Lyl
Age: 16
Gender: Bigender/Nonbinary
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Location: Magical fairy land ~

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My friends drifting away. - November 23rd 2022, 04:19 PM

Well, I just have some stuff to vent about.
This school year I've prided myself on how many friends I've made, and how social I've become.
I just wanted to vent about one of my "closer" friends that some drama happened with recently. It was last week, and I would've vented sooner, but I felt I was just being dramatic. (I am.)
So there's this kid, we'll call him T- I met him on the 3-4th day of school, and I thought he looked really cool. (He was a very feminine boy, and I was trying to make a safe space for all the LGBTQ kids at my school since yeah) So I gave him a simple compliment, and we got to know each other better, and we became friends. Now, he has issues- he's made that apparent. I've done my best to help him even though he's TOLD me there's nothing I can do (He said I can't help him because I don't have a phone, either) And yeah, I understand that. I literally can't stand seeing my friends sad though, but I tried to give him space.
That's not really where the "problem" lies though. He was always asking me for stuff, whether it be my makeup, Schoolwork or my *mom's* perfume (for context, my mom had let me borrow her perfume and he saw that I had some at school... I already got in trouble for it, don't worry) or really just anything. He knows I don't have money but he expected me to be able to buy him something for him birthday. I obviously wasn't able to, but I tried to compensate by instead giving him drawings, one of my plushies, and some other stuff. But even before then he seemed to be drifting away. I hated this, because we're all in a little friend group, and so my other friends were still just as social.
Well, on Friday last week, my friend (who's also friends with him) brought T up, and I was like "Oh! I haven't talking to him in awhile. He isn't mad at me, is he?"
She looked at me with almost pity and told me that he doesn't like me, and that he finds me annoying. She told me not to tell him she told me.
I shouldn't get so upset over this, but it's whatever. He still asked me to do his work, and I still did. All I want is for people to like me, and I know that's a very pick-me-girl thing to say, but it's the honest truth.

As for my other friends, we're still friendly towards each other but we don't talk often. Not including my Girlfriend, I only really have two friends. One is a senior, and she's a bit chaotic but she's awesome. The other is a freshman (like me) and she's also mentally ill.. (which means we either vent to each other, she's high, or we're just completely chaotic)

I dunno, highschool sucks more than I thought it would. When I first got here, I was like "This isn't so bad!" and THEN it hit. When I went to php, I saw all these other kids who were JUST like me, and I hoped to find more kids like that, but honestly I feel pretty alone.

Am I in the right to be upset about all this? I'm aware I'm being dramatic, but I dunno, I need someone else's advice.