Thank you all for your responses. I still haven't talked to my parents about this again, and I'm not sure when I plan on it. But I do know it feels so nice to be called by my ACTUAL pronouns, even if online.
As for the reminding people to use my pronouns part, I have been trying to. I think what I was trying to say is that people just...don't
listen. And to further add insult to injury, a few of the OTHER non-binary kids at my school don't even use my pronouns despite me having told them

I've talked to my counselor and asked if she could tell all of my teachers to use my correct pronouns (as I had already asked them multiple times) and she said yes, but she continued using the wrong ones herself.
I dunno, I'm stuck in a corner here xD
But yeaah, like I said, I really appreciate all of your guys' advice. I truly do, thank you guys <3
Hopefully one day I'll be able to "pass" as non-binary