Thank you so much Dez, Cynefin, Sue!
I had my 2nd lesson a few weeks ago and will be going back into it next week. I'm so nervous and my instructor said he expects I will have to warm up again but once we do it weekly it will get easier.
I told him about my fear of running over a squirrel or other small animal and he said they're very smart and often will get out of the way last minute and we have to trust that they know what to do to save themselves from danger.
That made me feel slightly better.
Hearing what each of you had to say helped a bit too. With this new instructor we don't go into a parking lot but he has hazards on and yellow flashing lights which signal that we are going slow and cars can go around us if they want to. We still get honking but he told me we are not doing anything illegal and the drivers can go around. At the same time we are working on building up speed. Last time I got up to 41 mph at a speed limit of 45 mph. Of course I freaked out immediately after I saw that and slowed back to 30 but I also managed consistently at 30 mph.
The upcoming class is next week Thursday bit somehow I'm already so nervous but at least im 'feeling the fear and doing it anyway' right
