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Re: Learning to drive as a person with disabilities -
October 9th 2022, 09:37 PM
Hi Violet,
driving is intimidating for many - you're not alone! It's not surprising given that driving requires focus, processing a lot of things at once and making rapid decisions.
The general key is automatisation. Without it no human would be able to drive as they do. With practice, our body/brain starts doing movements without us having to consciously process every one of them. For instance - changing gears (if you drive a manual car).
The more of your movements are automatic, the fewer things you have to consciously focus on, so to say. So with practice, driving usually becomes less intimidating, as you can start concentrating mainly on the road and on what's going on there instead of processing every single thing, especially when you need to make some decisions quickly.
Believe in yourself learning to drive is definitely a step out of the comfort zone and it requires a lot of bravery at the beginning. It should become easier and more natural for you with time. It's great to hear that your new instructor is better - it's really important that you feel comfortable and safe with that person. From my experience and that of my friends that have their driving licence, those who had nice instructors usually have a better attitude towards driving, while the rest associates it with the beginnings, when they had to endure a lot of stress next to an unpleasant and ununderstanding teacher.
Driving is a super useful skill in today's world, but it can also be pleasant. I love driving and so do many people I know I hope you don't get discouraged if it's still hard after some time. However, every minute spent behind the wheel will make you a better and more confident driver.
Take care!
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