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Proud90sKid Offline
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I want to rip my hair out over having to deal with non-native speakers - August 23rd 2022, 12:59 PM

Really tired of having to deal with people who can barely speak English at work. Yesterday one of our cars was in an accident and towed to impound. The lady on the phone did not even speak english. It was on me to figure out how to communicate with her. Thats how her business works. Cars are towed to her shop and then customers have to figure out the communication shit show.

There are people at my own company who barely can spell their name their english is so bad. I cant communicate with them. Im not trying to be a dick. I just legitimately cannot understand broken english.

Miscommunications always anger me, even when I am just explaining something poorly. I always feel very annoyed when there is a miscommunication.

Last edited by Proud90sKid; August 23rd 2022 at 01:14 PM. Reason: Edited wording of post