Re: Happy Birthday Teenhelp! :) -
July 13th 2022, 05:42 PM
Personally, I wish I discovered TeenHelp roughly fifteen to seventeen years ago (c. 2005 - 2007) when I was not only within the appropriate age demographic; but also because I was really struggling through those few years. I would actually push it back further to c. 1999 or 2000, but I don't think TeenHelp was structured the way it is today — as in with a complete forum, the chat room, user blog, and HelpLINK.
I keep coming back to TeenHelp because it's the only message board that I know of that exists today. I keep coming back because I want to support the youth of today, but also provide support to my cohort if they ever decide to come back and reach out. I keep coming back because it's a unique — in today's websphere — community that doesn't exist elsewhere.
I enjoy being given the opportunity to provide support to others who need it. I enjoy the vague sense of nostalgia that comes with it.