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Re: Making friends as an adult? -
July 10th 2022, 04:08 PM
I think this is an excellent discussion thread and I'm so glad you made it. Thanks, Charlie. 
Making friends have always been a challenge for me, even when I was young. Bullies and snobs would turn my peers against me or cause me to endure not-so-pleasant things. I was so happy when I graduated and I had such high hopes; it just so happened that I joined a forum at around the same time. I made friends and it was great; but in retrospect, I realize it was all superficial.
It seems to be an even bigger struggle to make friends online today, what with social media and everything else influencing the way Internet users think, the things they say, and the way they behave. Looking at social media, it's filled with so much toxicity and I don't want to get caught up in all that drama, or risk being bullied by people much younger than me.
I actually have been and it fucking sucks. I don't get into fandoms anymore for this very reason - the stans. They actually turned me anti their OTP. 
Anyways, as for real life, I've only made one friend throughout my adulthood. As you've said, it's difficult trying to work around her schedule and how much spoons she has for socializing. Sometimes, she'll be so stressed out and will snap if we get together, even though I'm minimally at fault; there'll be other factors affecting her mood, and it really stinks having your only friend be preoccupied with other things when all you want to do is just see your best friend.
I recently started a new job and at an outside function, I met two individuals who work at the same business but at a different location. They were very warm and talkative at the event, and I almost felt hopeful that we could be friends. I added them on Facebook, sent them messages; but I've gotten no responses from them and it really stinks.
How to make, and keep friends, as an adult? I don't know and I'd love to know others' secret for being able to do this!