My Mom... -
May 25th 2022, 01:12 PM
[FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""][FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""]I am turning 11 next December and I am trying to discover myself more, but my mom is actively discouraging it and I feel more stuck and enclosed than ever. I have gone to youtube and social media for help since I don't have any friends and the one I did have barely ever talks to me. my mom may not be discouraging me on purpose, but whenever I have asked about what she thinks about certain sexualities and groups I think I might be a part of, she strongly states her opinion on me. she then proceeds to guilt-trip me into feeling bad for her for having such a child find these things online and ask about them to her "poor mother" and I want to get help but every time I start hinting at needing help from my mother the terrible timing and her anger issues kick in and she either: 1:starts raging about something entirely different. 2: she misinterprets it that I am saying that she needs help and starts talking trash about another family member and listing off all the things they have done to her. 3: she gets that I am asking for help and proceeds to say that i "have a roof over my head, clean clothes, freshwater, and good food and that I have nothing to worry about and there are people with worse problems. she may not say that exactly but it's obviously and heavily implied. sorry bout the long paragraph, I just needed to vent. (btw, Jessica is a fake name in case my mom finds this)[/size][/color][/font][/size][/color][/font]