My friend feels like I am using her -
April 30th 2022, 07:30 AM
[FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""][FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""]I have had been friends with a girl since 7th grade currently I am in 10th grade(giving final exams). We were actually a trio and we were super close in 7th and 8th however in 9th grade I had a hard time with some family stuff and I got distant from them and found a new friend(it was also lockdown). The new friend and I grew really close and she had a problem with me talking to my other friends and so i had to distance myself from being a part of that trio and last month this girl called me and had a mental breakdown and told me how it hurts her and I realised my mistake and i started going to them both more often and usually it's with my problems...other than that we hang out too but we were never really the deep conversation type of friends. Things between us would always feel the same to me it's like a feeling of returning home and not being left out even if you haven't returned in years. And the day before my new friend had a problem so the girl (girl from seventh let's say A),she said she would help with the other new friend who was clearly being toxic and i agreed to it but at the last moment i backed out because i felt like i wasn't ready and she got really sad and hurt and told me that she doesn't want to hear about me or my problems anymore and that she feels like I am only using her. I tried to explain but she said she doesn't wanna be friends with my anymore because I am hurting her....But I had no intention of hurting her or making her feel like I am using her what do i do to solve this?[/size][/color][/font][/size][/color][/font]