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Re: Me and my sister aren't going to make it... -
April 27th 2022, 03:38 PM
Hey there, thank you for reaching out. I'm sorry this hasn't gotten a response yet, and I hope you've been keeping yourself safe. I can't even imagine what it's like growing up in a household that is so awful, your sister had to move away, refuse to give out her contact info, and feel the need to 'take her kids with her' were she to die. I can also sense your panic and anxiety; and I think it would be a good idea to reach out to trusted individuals — if not the police or any other official authority — and ask them for their help with this.
The other thing is, do you think it'd be possible to leave your family behind, erase all trace of your existence, and start over. While this might seem near impossible to do today — as opposed to forty, fifty years ago when the Internet wasn't a thing — but I would suggest reaching out to those who can help with this. You have the right to disappear and there's nothing wrong with that.
I hope whatever you decide, it's safe. 
I'm sorry if this advice wasn't adequate enough and hopefully someone else can provide their insights.