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Re: Cannot orgasm during sex - April 24th 2022, 07:44 PM

Hey there! Thanks for posting. I hope we can be of some help to you.

It's actually really, really common not to orgasm during sexual intercourse. Many people don't orgasm from penetration alone, and can struggle to orgasm with a partner already due to a number of factors.

I actually don't myself, and it used to be frustrating for me. If I may, what I found helpful was to stop looking at orgasm as the end goal of sex. While physical release and satisfaction are enjoyable, it helps to look at sex and physical intimacy simply as a an experience shared between the people engaging in it. You don't know how the experience is going to go, and that's the fun! You're simply exploring with each other and enjoying the connection you feel with that person. Maybe orgasm happens, maybe it doesn't, but that's okay. What is important is you shared in something connecting and important together.

This applies even to sex not in monogamous, longterm partnerships, and whether there are more than two partners, although that may not be something that applies here or to your life. But simply, intimacy is an experience, even with yourself. Open-mindedness, acceptance, and exploration apply to self-pleasure as well!

Hope this helps. Feel free to reach out more if you need to!