Re: When you were young... -
April 17th 2022, 03:34 AM
For nostalgia's sake, what websites did you visit when you were young?: All kinds! Newgrounds, albinoblacksheep, and various forums and chatrooms.
Do you remember your account? Did you make any friends on these website?: For a chatroom site, I kind of can remember. I did make friends, but many I lost contact with due to the ever changing instant messaging systems.
What was your best memory on them? Do you miss being on that website?: Meeting friends on these websites mainly. I do miss it, but the Internet would have changed and killed the chatroom site.
Would you go back to it if you could?: I have some bad experiences on the chatroom site, but still would love to go back to it. I'd go back one final time for a day. This assumes all the people from back then magically came back somehow.