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WhisperingSilence Offline
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Re: Facebook vs TikTok - April 3rd 2022, 08:40 PM

To be honest, if the kids don't pick up the trends from tiktok or Facebook etc, they will most likely hear about them in the school playground or at clubs etc. I volunteer in a holiday club working with dis-advantaged children aged 4-13, and when squid game first came out suddenly all that the kids within the club spoke about was the red light green light game. Now they hadn't actually watched the tv series themselves, however especially with the younger ones the 4 -8 olds , they had heard of red light green light within their school and had learned how to play the game. the older ones 9+ may have watched it or seen an older brother or sister watching the series - however we did play red light green light with them, but instead of them being shot, they were out.
I think trends are similar, if they don't see them on the internet they will most certainly hear about them within schools or clubs or hear said trend being talked about by older siblings etc, and within a school setting they may see these trends being re-enacted on the school playground.
When I was a child more so elementary /primary school than anything high school, there would be talk on the school playground of trends like 'tazoo's' tokens you got in packet of crisps etc, and Pokemon cards trading game, back then there was no tiktok, Facebook etc, not even internet, yet trends still spread, the only dangerous one I remember as a child was playing chicken. Trends will spread whether children have access to tiktok or not.

'There will be bad days, there will be good days, there will be really bad days, and really good days, and days that are not bad or good but just simply suck, but either way you got through it and you are here today and that is all that really matters''