Thread: Triggering: Ukraine and Russia.
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Re: Ukraine and Russia. - March 29th 2022, 02:58 PM

I just typed into Google "war in Ukraine" and you know how Google sometimes shows statistics with certain search queries such as with the pandemic.

Anyways, here is the statistics:
Deaths: at least 23,000.
Non-fatal injuries: 1,900+.
Displaced: at least ten million.
Building destroyed: 1,700+
Property damage: $565 billion USD.

I have been following through timeline feed this one particular individual. She was displaced as a young child due to the Chernobyl accident in the late 1980s, and the local family that took her in is a very well-known individual in my area. She has been sharing updates with the family that let her stay with them 30+ years ago, and it's very jarring to see these images appear on my timeline and to read her short messages.