Thread: Triggering: Ukraine and Russia.
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Re: Ukraine and Russia. - February 26th 2022, 05:01 AM

Ugh, there's so much to say on this. From my viewpoint though, I was originally sympathetic to Russia (pre-invasion)- NATO has expanded considerably since the USSR disbanded, which effectively puts NATO troops two countries away from Russia. I don't think it would have made a difference, but NATO should have made it clear from the start that they would never accept Ukraine. Imagine if Russia had some sort of alliance with Central American countries, had troops stationed there, and was training troops in Mexico. America would be freaking out constantly, saying Russia was preparing an invasion.

As it is right now, I actually have a feeling that this attack might fail. Not only has Ukraine been holding stronger than expected, but the younger generation in Russia appears to be very disturbed by this invasion. There have been a lot of protesters getting arrested there and Russia's stock market collapsed the day they invaded. It's also such a poorly messaged invasion; there's no flimsy pretext for defense, so Putin just looks like a war criminal to his own country.

I think the US and NATO should hold out for peace talks in spite of everything that's going on. Putin has talked about using nukes, and its hard to tell what China's position is. If this escalates more, we're all screwed.