Thread: Triggering (Abuse): abuse (?) questions
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Re: abuse (?) questions - January 26th 2022, 11:09 AM

So there's a few things that are going on here, as my understanding from someone also from the United States. Because I don't know the details, I can give vague answers, but they apply to the best of my knowledge.

In cases in which you suspect you have been abused or hurt, there is a difference in the procedure and what happens to different people related to a number of factors, like who you seek first (law enforcement or medical personnel). However, generally speaking, when it comes to reporting, the laws vary state by state, because prosecution occurs at a state level in most of these cases. Exceptions apply, but very, very rarely, generally speaking. This means all guidelines related to these crimes are dictated by state, and that *does* affect how medical personnel handle these cases state by state, too. Hence you hearing two different things from two different clinics in two different states, or if you were to do internet research without really having any familiarity with how such things work. You did nothing wrong, it's just difficult to sift through such nuances and proceedings, especially when you are the person who feels something that happened wasn't right and are already probably unsure about a lot of things, emotionally even, at the very least.

I do need to make you aware, however, that because you are a minor and if you specifically asked for the exam to be around suspicions of abuse or mentioned to your doctor in any way you feel you might be being abused, or if your doctor finds evidence of abuse even without you mentioning there are suspicions of abuse of any nature, they are required by law across ALL states to report this to authorities.

I am glad you talked to your doctor, and it was very brave of you to ask for help. It's a step many are afraid to take, and some never do. Whether someone else feels you were or weren't abused, ultimately, is not what decides whether you are or not okay internally. Abuse is ultimately on an internal emotional and biological level, about feeling a boundary was violated. Legal nuances, laws, or outcomes of any proceedings absolutely do not change or affect what it did to you on the inside. It sounds like some healing needs to happen, and I hope you have someone you feel you can talk to about this who may be able to support you. If you can think of no one in your life, or even just don't feel safe enough to do it in person, that's completely understandable and okay. You asking here is wonderful, and this is a supportive place to seek help without anyone having to know YOU personally; that's why this place exists!

Regardless, I hope you remember two main things: first, whatever happened, was not your fault in any way. In addition, while kindness to yourself is important, always, for everyone, sometimes extra kindness, and paying attention to be kinder to yourself, is especially important, and this is one of those cases. Please take care of yourself physically and be sure to do more of the things you love to bring you some joy, because you need it right now.

I hope this helps. Please feel free to message me if you need to talk or have questions. We're all here for you.