Hello, everyone!
It's my pleasure to announce the recipient of the 2021 Volunteer of the Year Award:
Rob has been a dedicated Project Coordinator for nearly 15(!) years and a member of TeenHelp for as long as we can remember (gosh, that makes you sound so
old... sorry, Rob!
). Much of what Rob does is behind-the-scenes work that enhances all of our experiences with the website, chat room, and other
services that we love. It's time and effort that can easily go unnoticed, but is essential to keeping TeenHelp up and running on a daily basis.
Over the past year, Rob has worked hard to unify the team of volunteers that oversee TeenHelp's operations and publications. He has utilized his real-world expertise to support Staff and accelerate progress on some much-anticipated projects and activities, which has led to exciting new features being released for the website in particular. Rob continues to look to the future of TeenHelp and how it can remain relevant in the 21st century.
In addition to staying focused on long-term goals identified within TeenHelp's
Action Plan, Rob takes time on a regular basis to provide mentorship, guidance, and mediation when it is needed. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown," and we want to take this opportunity to acknowledge that TeenHelp simply wouldn't exist if not for Rob's willingness to take on the tremendous responsibility of Project Coordinator for all these years.
Congratulations on receiving the 2021 Volunteer of the Year Award, Rob! You deserve it, and we are so grateful for all you do for us. Thank you!!!