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Re: How to lose weight -
January 4th 2022, 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by dandycasper78
also, u would read about [...]. This type of supplement can impact your appetite and decease the eating desire
You can start from capsules that include [...]
I just want to say that it's not very wise to offer dietary advice to others, and especially not to those that might struggle with an eating disorder or have an underlying disease that prevents them from losing weight.
People should always consult with a primary care practitioner or a dietician/nutritionist on how to safely lose the weight. Additionally, consulting with a medical professional will help the individual come up with a safe plan for weight loss, and better understand the reasoning behind losing weight — such as for heart health, as opposed to "looking like a model in Seventeen Magazine" which is dangerous.
Appetite suppressants and other "natural" vitamins cause more harm than help. Doctors and nutritionists themselves would advise strongly against that.
Now this is for the original poster. I know you created this thread over a year ago but hopefully I'm able to provide some insight. Carbs, especially pasta, is a vice to everyone and not just those who might struggle with an eating disorder. If you absolutely cannot get rid of pasta from your diet, try modifying your intake such as:
• Switching to whole-grain or gluten free pasta.
• Add some proteins and veggies to your meal.
This way, you're still getting some nutritional benefits while satisfying your pasta craving.
I want to add that as someone who struggles with eating disorders, that counting calories do not work for me. I become fixated on the number and I end up restricting instead of binging; and that's really the last thing anyone should do because they deprive themselves of nutrients.
I suggest drinking more water too, not only does it help keep us hydrated, it keeps us fuller. Additionally, having a glass of water before a meal will help us control how quickly and how much we eat.
Of course, if you are still struggling with losing weight, then please reach out to a primary care doctor or a dietician/nutritionist.
Wishing you the best of luck.