help w/ a girl I really like -
December 19th 2021, 02:03 PM
[FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""]OK so... I'm a 13 year old guy and I really like a girl (we'll call her X) who's almost 15. I hang out with her whenever possible, and the other night she told her 2 besties something I coudn't make out and they cracked up and one of them called my name, pointed at "X" and then at me, and made a heart with her hands. Then one of my friends told me he's pretty sure "X" likes me, and when I outright asked one of "X"s besties she told me that, yes, "X" does have a crush on me. Then when I was hanging out with "X" again, she was really polite, (honestly over the top) and all that.
Does she like me?
Is the age gap 2 much?
How should I tell her I like her w/out getting rejected? I can use Discord 1 night out of the whole week, and then she's busy, and I can't text her about it period. A not? Just (gulp) walk up to her and tell her? I'm super shy and idk what 2 do.[/size][/color][/font]