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Re: Friend advice needed - December 8th 2021, 12:14 AM

I definitely understand how upsetting it can be when your friends aren't initiating as much as you are and when things start to feel one-sided. You're right that you can't choose the friends she hangs out with but I want to say that your feelings about that are valid too. It's still really unfortunate and I've had that happen to me before, and I felt really jealous about it.

That being said, I would talk to her about the fact that you are feeling like she doesn't make any effort. I wouldn't ask her to stop being friends with people, though, because that may be taken the wrong way. I'd also use "I statements" when talking to her. For example, "I feel hurt/alone/other emotion here when you don't initiate conversations with me because it makes me feel like I am not valued." This is just one example of something you can say, but you can replace it with other things you are feeling as well. Don't use "you" statements, such as "you hurt me," because this can lead to defensiveness.

Maybe before you talk to her you can write out some points of things you would like to get across. This will help guide the conversation. Of course, some things may change based on how she responds and reacts to things, but at least you will have a general idea of what things are important for you to tell her about.

If she doesn't listen to you and keeps neglecting your friendship, it's okay to reconsider if you'd like to keep her as a friend. I'm definitely not saying that you HAVE to drop her as a friend, though! Just think about what you are comfortable with. If you're okay with talking a little less, that's okay. Maybe you can also meet some new people so you don't feel as alone.

I hope this helps!

Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive