Re: Corona Virus. -
November 26th 2021, 10:44 PM
I wasn't going to say anything, but comparing yourself simply reading Google search results at home, even from the scholarly articles section, is nothing compared to a contract tracer who works day in and day out with the virus and its victims. To think you know more is pure hubris, and I am going to absolutely call you on it.
Out of all you said above, you are mostly right on one point: the virus was politicized, and it never should have been. I know you work in an industry that suffered because of the virus. I know your livelihood was, and might still be, at stake, and I am very sorry that you have that experience. It must be scary and I can see why it would make you angry, and shape your views the way it has. But that doesn't mean that you need to invalidate something that is most definitely a problem. People have gone round and round with you on this and I'm not going to, because your mind is set, I don't do internet arguments, and I don't see the point in using my time that way. You believe what you want to believe. But I will say that the irony is you don't seem to see your "side" was politicized just as much as the other "side," and you've bought into it. I see your posts and it makes me constantly sad that you either don't see or don't want to see that you've been duped while thinking you have it all figured out. I hope, some day, you'll maybe see that. But in the meantime, don't call people inept at their profession without knowing anything about them as people or, in reality, what you're talking about in comparison to the scope of information they have available in their career path. I don't say this to fight their battles for them, because they are capable of saying something if they'd like, but TeenHelp is meant to be a respectful place. This is current events and debates, and while you can disagree on those topics, you shouldn't insult a person's direct intelligence, especially with belittling names and even more especially when their job itself is directly related to the topic at hand.