Thread: iPhone viruses?
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WhisperingSilence Offline
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iPhone viruses? - November 24th 2021, 10:42 PM

okay so the other day I was on google and was just like looking something up for college, I clicked a website and was scrolling through when a pop-up came up saying I had 70 different viruses on my phone... I immediately close the page and closed down my safari browser and disconnected my internet connection on my phone for a few minuets. my phone has been working fine since etc and I've since googled and it says viruses on iPhones are very rare and is not something to worry about, but today after a few days since the pop up came up, I was using outlook, and it kept underlining things that were grammatically incorrect or spelt wrong which was like really annoying... anyways I am wondering if its possible I do have a virus on my phone and its on my outlook app? or has outlook put a spellchecker on its app and I can't turn it off ? I've like had look in outlook settings on my phone and can't find anything that allows me to toggle spellcheck etc on and off, I've uninstalled the app and re - installed the app, I've downloaded a virus scanner app or two onto my iPhone since and its saying I'm virus free... so I am hoping thats the case, but I am still like freaking out over this a little bit... can iPhones get viruses and if so is it likely I have a virus on my iPhone and if so how do I go about removing said virus. I would rather not have to do a factory reset etc as I've got alot of apps etc and such like... and the phone itself is still like working fine etc.

'There will be bad days, there will be good days, there will be really bad days, and really good days, and days that are not bad or good but just simply suck, but either way you got through it and you are here today and that is all that really matters''