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Re: International Tolerance Day -
November 23rd 2021, 01:10 PM
I understand what you were trying to do, but we live in a world of politically correct terms.
In this instance, that is acceptance as opposed to tolerance.
To me, tolerance means putting up with something you really don't want to bother with, putting up with people or beliefs you don't agree with for the sake of looking like the 'better person' when you really want to argue or be critical. I think that's being more harmful in the long run, as opposed to being helpful.
In addition to living in a word where politically correct terms are the way to go, we also live in a world where debates are healthy. So I think the debate Bibliophile, Garyl, and I started was perfectly fine. We appropriately expressed our opinions; we live in what should be a free society, and we should be allowed to express ourselves.
I accept that Proud90sKid has different beliefs, but do I tolerate it? Hell, no. Because that's where tolerance can be abused, and why the politically correct term accept comes into better use. It's perfectly fine to have debates in this instance, even if it's doesn't seem like it'll ever go anywhere
On the other hand, I do think debates belong in the more accurate forum as opposed to the 'General' forum.
Anyways, that's my tangent 'write for the hell of it' of the day.