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Re: International Tolerance Day -
November 22nd 2021, 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by Proud90sKid
Thats where people go wrong in their thinking imo. We didnt immigrate here. We displaced and largely replaced the existing native American society. Our numbers quickly outnumbering theirs in the occupied territories.
Yeah, we displaced people who have inhabited the Western Hemisphere for thousands of years. With us we brought unknown diseases which wiped out these Native populations by the thousands.
Anyways, I don't like the idea of "practicing tolerance" because, it's as someone else said — we should be practicing acceptance. Accept that we are on a planet with eight billion other human beings and many millions of non-human species. We only have one Earth, that has already been around for a few billion years; we humans have only been around for less than a percent of that four and half billion years.
We need to accept that no two people are alike, no two animal are alike, no two beings are alike! We all think differently, we function differently, we behave differently, we have different beliefs, we come from different backgrounds, all walks of life. We need to accept that everyone deserves to be treated like a human animal and all animals need to be treated like they're worthy.