Originally Posted by Stardust.
May I just add that not all Republicans support Trump? My dad is a registered Republican and he didn't vote for Trump in either the 2016 or the 2020 election. He stood against a lot of what Trump was saying and thought some of the screws were going loose in the head. But he's a Republican and supports a lot of their views; however, he also begrudgingly accepts some of the Democrat views as well.
On the flip side, I consider myself centrist but more leaning Left. Am I a liberal Millennial hippie snowflake? I'll go on a rage if anyone calls me that; because there are "liberal Millennial hippie snowflake" viewpoints that I disagree with. I do support a lot of what Democrats strive for; but I do also, like my dad, begrudgingly see the points sensible Republicans make. I don't always accept either views.
Note: Sensible Republicans do not equal Trump and it offends them if you say "All Republicans support Trump" because if you look, there have been quite a few Republicans — including the guy that sent us to Iraq and Afghanistan for the second time — that are either closeted Democrats, unaffiliated, or have switched their party allegiance to Independent.
I think it's important that if you are a true American citizen, you can respect the diversity and inclusivity of both parties. Understand that there are different aspects of both parties, and both include a wide spectrum.
No where was it said that all Republicans voted for Trump. That's why it was stated in a very specific way. The fact is that to be an Ally to POC you have to call out the systemic, passive and blatant racism. You have to do things that are uncomfortable. One cannot stay quiet out of comfort or what have you. That is a fact. Calling out the passive, blatant and systemic racism is a necessity to allyship and a necessity to seeing the country change.