Thread: Triggering: Should I opt out of this game?
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Should I opt out of this game? - September 18th 2021, 11:09 PM

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I've been playing RPGs with the same group of friends for about three and a half years now. I've officially been in three games. They make me a little anxious, because I worry I am not good enough at roleplaying my character(s), but I laugh a lot and they're still fun and enjoy playing. Plus it's one of the only times I socialize with multiple friends.

We started a new game at the beginning of August. I was really excited about my character; she's basically a super grumpy lesbian engineer on our ship. I thought I'd have tons of fun with it. However, lately I have been very unwell, in regards to both my mental and physical health. I just spent three weeks in the hospital due to issues with both. I am home now, but game is on Tuesday (we play every other Tuesday) and I don't think I'll be up for going, as I am still pretty sick. It's going to be a very long, slow recovery process and it takes up most of what little energy I have at the moment.

My best friend plays in the games (she's the one who introduced me to the group) and she says the GM will have a place for me, but I think I may be unwell for a while, and I am not sure I want to pop in so late into the game. However, I would be crushed if my health kept me from doing this, because it's a social staple in my life and it's something I find fun. I would probably feel really bad if I skipped out, since this is something I have done for years. I'd feel like I was failing at my life or something. So yes, I don't know what to do. Do I try and play knowing I am not healthy, and will definitely not be at my best, or do I bow out of this game and hope I am better by the time the next one rolls around (which will probably be next summer or so)?