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Re: Texas abortion law -
September 7th 2021, 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Proud90sKid
I am pro-life and non-religious. Sorry I just dont support women’s right to choose. People are are pro-abortion are often very liberal and give me a bad taste in my mouth. That is a good enough reason. Im confused what your point is.
I'm sorry you are struggling to understand the basics of human rights — namely women's rights. Women are living, breathing human beings. They have more feelings and a more complex thought process than a clump of cells that is using her as its host for nine months. There are many reasons abortion is advised:
- Mass of cells has severe defects — for example, anencephaly. Abortion would free it from any pain after birth.
- Woman was victim of assault and the cells have deleterious genes if a product of consanguineous conception.
- Mass of cells never go beyond the blastocyst phase and is stuck in the Fallopian tube; an ectopic pregnancy.
- Woman has limitations that prevents her from carrying the mass of cells to term with no health issues arising.
I mean, you can be anti-abortion if you want; but on the flip side, do the right thing as a man...
Promote condoms and contraceptives. Condoms can be bought for as little as 99 cents... even in lavatories! 
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