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Re: It hurts to be left out - August 22nd 2021, 06:11 PM

I think a lot of us can relate to how you're feeling Dez. We all want to be included in thins, especially socialising with groups of friends. When I was at university I felt a bit left out at times because my friends were all closer with one another and I felt like the odd one out. I didn't feel like I completely belonged with them and I just didn't fit. For the times I was invited to things, it was great. But out of all the friends I'd had, only 2 ever seemed to want me to actually be around.

I commend you on trying to get your license. 30 years old and I still haven't even bothered applying for mine because of learning disabilities. Even if you've failed twice, that doesn't matter. Fact of the matter is that you're trying and that's what counts. I'd also like to point out a lot of people fail multiple times on their driving test. Sometimes it's not the driving or lack of knowledge itself that's the problem, but knowing it's a test that's the issue. The stress that they can put a person under, it can create a lot of anxiety worrying if you're going to do ok.

Is there any possibility that you could chat with your friends and see if they can visit you. I recognise it may be a lot to ask and they may also be busy, but surely if they want to see you, they'd make the effort?
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