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Clinically Liz
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Name: Boxy or Liz
Age: 32
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Location: .:.Where the heart is.:.

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Join Date: January 7th 2009

Re: Best things said in chat. - May 10th 2009, 11:13 PM

6:01 PM [Boxy] you.. have amazing ducks..
6:02 PM [Stormy] thankies
6:02 PM [Lel :)] lols
6:02 PM [Lel :)] ducks
6:02 PM [Stormy] i have a big one aswell
6:02 PM [Stormy] shes huge
6:02 PM [Boxy] wow...
6:02 PM [Boxy] that can be taken in so many wrong ways

6:14 PM [Matt] so according to jessie we're all gay, and according to you two we're all large black lady's on the inside (last I heard it was black now, not african american)
6:14 PM [Matt] at least my roommates prefered black over african american
6:15 PM [Gidig] Now we're gay black ladies?
6:15 PM [Ergg] It is Black
6:15 PM [Mongrel_chick] I want chicken. . . .
6:15 PM [Ergg] but African American sounds better
6:15 PM [Matt] oh wow I missed that whole bit about my not being a women
6:16 PM [Matt] yus maria
6:16 PM [Ergg] Because, God forbid, they're not ALLL from Africa -_-
6:17 PM [Matt] even if I am a large gay african american woman I want to be gay with my enid
6:17 PM [Gidig] Enid, is there something you're not telling us?
6:17 PM [Gidig] YAY!!!!
6:17 PM [Gidig] Matt you're my hero
6:17 PM [Matt] hehe
6:18 PM [Lel :)] something im not telling you? eh im confused?
6:18 PM Matt hums eddie murphy's theme
6:18 PM [Gidig] If matt's gay and going out with you...
6:18 PM [Gidig] One of you is not telling us something
6:18 PM [Matt] well, it's okay because shes a large gay african american woman too
6:19 PM [Lel :)] matt is either a gay woman or a straight man
6:19 PM [Gidig] oh good
6:19 PM [Lel :)] this is confusing me
6:19 PM [Lel :)] can we go back to being white again?
6:19 PM [Matt] *cuddles enid*
6:19 PM [Boxy] or.. maybe he's a lesbian man
6:19 PM Lel :) snuggles with her hawteh
6:19 PM [Lel :)] i dont care what he is, he's mine

1:44 PM [Cassago] I'll be your glass slipper, if you'll be my foot..
1:45 PM [Boxy] i'll be your foot anyday

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Last edited by Boxy; May 10th 2009 at 11:20 PM.